OEPE JavaEE Lab Tutorial for JSF



We want to look at a simple tutorial from the Oracle web site which demonstrates how to
develop a simple JSF web application with Eclipse and the Oracle Enterprise Pack for
Eclipse. Since this tutorial is targeted to WLS 10.3 there are some modifications to be made,
in order to run it with WLS12c and OEPE 12c. We take a brief look at the example itself and
point out the changes.

This tutorial guides the user trough the process of creating a Dynamic Web Application with Java Server Faces. It elaborates on creating bundle messages for internationalization and on creating page flow diagrams.

Read the full article as PDF: OEPE_JSF_Intro.pdf (95 KB)




OEPE Hands on Labs for WLS 11g

After some frustrating
moments, trying to quickly going through the OEPE 11g Hands-on-Labs for
Web-Services on WLS12c, I spent some time with problem analysis and eventually
confirmed that the labs still run with the latest versions of WLS and Eclipse. We
will present a graphical overview of each lab and  note some required changes for the version
OEPE 12c.

There are some small hands-on labs which demonstrate some OEPE features. They are targeted for WLS 11g and OEPE 11g. With some minor changes they also work with WLS12c and OEPE 12.1.1. We will give an overview of the labs and point out some relevant changes for the new version.

Read the full article as PDF: OEPE_Hands-on-Labs.pdf (947 KB)



Setting up a WLS-Webservice Example in Eclipse

I like the API
Examples that ship with WLS because they contain a level of complexity that is
just enough to demonstrate the technology slice at hand. In other words, they
are kept very simple. Therefore they are an excellent starting point for small
test applications that can be used in very complex environments. We want to
look at the Example: “Creating a Web Service from an Existing WSDL File”. We
demonstrate how to quickly integrate it into Eclipse with full support of code
completion, context sensitive help and on-the-fly compilation support. 

In this little workshop we show how to integrate a simple web service example into an eclipse project which features context help, code assistant and on-the-fly compilation. Starting from a running example, which is part of the WLS installation, we produce an eclipse project which builds, deploys and runs this example. However instead of changing code with a text editor as it would be required in the original example, we now have the full IDE support. This enables us to quickly extend it to include code for prototypes and tests scenarios.

Read the full article as PDF: WLS12c_WS_from_WSDL.pdf (1,5 MB)