Oracle Identity Manager: The Active Directory Connector Tutorial


    In this tutorial we demonstrate the usage of the Active Directory Connector, which integrates a Microsoft Active Directory into Oracle Identity Manager. The underlying scenario is the integration as a result of a company acquisition. All users of the Active Directory are transferred to OIM, which is then used for user management and provisioning of AD accounts. This tutorial includes the installation and configuration of Windows Server and Active Directory, as well as the installation and configuration of the AD connector. We will create an AD structure, using organizational units, users, groups, GPOs (group policy objects) and directory access writes, to model a non-trivial scenario which emulates a real world installations. While we keep the total system still simple, the complexity is already at a level which reveals usability aspects of the connector, which are beyond a mere technical proving of concept. A conclusion summarizes this work and points to areas of further study.

We use the following software versions:
• Oracle Identity Manager Connector MS AD User Management
• Oracle Identity and Access Management
• Oracle Database 11g, Release 2
• Oracle Virtual Box 4.1.22
• Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.8 (32-bit)
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
• Microsoft Windows 8 Professional (32-bit)

Read the full Article as PDF:   ADConnectorTutorial.pdf (6,6 MB)


Installation of the Oracle Identity Manger


The installation of the Oracle Identity Manager 11g is quite complex and contains some pitfalls that require problem analysis and investigations. In this tutorial we will lead through the installation process of all required product components and development tools. We point out necessary troubleshooting steps and include the analysis of some of the problems. We also provide a detailed list of required installation packages and patches. While analysis during this work was rather time consuming, following the documented steps that circumvent the pitfalls can save a lot of time.

Software versions used:
• Oracle Identity and Access Management (
• Oracle SOA Suite 11g (
• Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.6 Linux 32-bit
• Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 33 (Linux 32-bit)
• Repository Creation Utility Linux
• Oracle JDeveloper 11g ( Studio Edition,  Linux

Read the full article as PDF:   OIMInstallationTutorial.pdf (4,8 MB)



Oracle Forms and Reports Quick start

During the summer I needed to quickly work myself into Oracle Forms for a business opportunity and I decided to share my experience in form of this quick start guide.
We will look at the installation process on Windows and Linux in a development and production configuration. To work with the Forms samples we install an Oracle Express Edition Database. We will look at the basic operations and a database tutorial to get acquainted with this edition. We also look at an Application Express Example, Oracle’s quick and simple approach to database applications. We will use the development configuration to run through the Forms tutorial “Creating a Master-Detail Form”, which ships with the product. Eventually we will look at a Forms and Reports installation in a high-availability configuration. We propose a setup on two virtual box Linux machines and provide an action plan for its installation.
Software Versions used:
  • Weblogic Server 10.3.6 Generic
  • JRockit 64-Bit for Windows R28.2.4
  • Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2, Windows 64-bit
  • Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
  • Oracle Linux Release 5 Update 8 for x86_64 (64 Bit)
  • Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 33 for Linux x64
  • Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Release 2 for Linux 64 bit
  • Oracle SQL Developer 3.1 ( 
Read the full article as PDF: OracleFormsReports.pdf (2,3 MB)