Installation of Oracle Linux 5.8 on Virtual Box 4.1 with Guest Additions

Today I wanted to install
Oracle Linux on virtual box, which I need for some testing systems. Since the
installation and especially the setup of the guest additions were not as smooth
as I expected, I decided to share the information.
There are many occasions in which we could need an installation of virtual box. I was investigating a high-availability configuration of some fusion middleware elements and needed to span a Weblogic cluster across two machines. Once we have installed and configured one machine in virtual box, we can easily multiply it by cloning.
In this workshop we show how to install Oracle Linux 5.8 on Virtual Box 4.1.16 running on a 64-bit Windows 7 Host machine. We will start from the download of the media and go through the installation process. We will also install the guest additions and configure shared folder.
Read the full Article as PDF: InstallingOracleLinux58.pdf (1,5 MB)